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A Small Blogging Milestone Reached The Liebster Award! - Cubicle Chic

A Small Blogging Milestone Reached The Liebster Award! - Cubicle Chic A Small Blogging Milestone Reached: The Liebster Award! Uncategorized November 10, 2015 0 CommentsAs a 4 month old blogger with a fledgling blog, the news came as a surprise when my fellow blogger Cara at CaraMia Why forwarded her nomination of my blog for the Liebster Award. I am excited and honored, and I did a bit of homework to learn what this award is.  The Liebster Award is meant to help the internet discover new blogs while promoting connection and support within the blogosphere. So here is my shout out to Cara â€" thank you for your nomination!Liebster Award Q AWhat motivated you to finally start your blog?I’ve always read blogs, especially fashion blogs. The catalytic influence came from my experience with Poshmark, an online platform for women to shop and sell unused/used items from their closet. I started my journey with Poshmark in January 2013, and since then have grown my follower base to close to 250K. I attribute my sizable follower base to the exponential growth Poshmark has taken on organically on its own, but there a re definitely a lot of perks that comes with having a big follower base. One of which is that it allowed me to tap into this amazing online community that is supportive, encouraging, and all about each other’s growth and wellness. This is how I came across CaraMia’s blog, incidentally. It gave me courage and faith to start blogging, knowing I have this community to share my thoughts and content with.How did you come up with your domain name?I’ve been with my current employer for a little over four years now. I am in the marketing department, so much of my time is spent in the office, in an cubicle. Because of this, I am always looking for information that are particular to me, with this unique yet common environment, whether be it fashion advice, wardrobe tips and tricks, or things that you do to make the cubicle life more enjoyable and productive. I feel like there is a shortage of such information in the blogosphere and therefore decided to contribute by creating my own cont ent. Since my blog is mostly about fashion and outfits, I came up with the name Cubicle Chic.What are your blogging goals?This is the part about my blog that I still haven’t quite figured out. To be honest, I am content at the moment just having a creative outlet that allows me to express myself through fashion, outfit, and writing. Not to mention I am also connecting with people out there who share the same interest as mine… I can’t complain. I think eventually it would be nice to be able to work with prestigious brands, but in the short run I’d like to keep this as a fun hobby.What part of the country/world do you live in?I was born and raised in Taichung, Taiwan. I lived there until I was 15, and moved to Southern California to go to high school and have been a So Caller since then. As of February 2015, I’ve spent exactly half of my life in Taiwan and the other half in the U.S. I’ve always wondered what my mindset would be like once I reached this point, culturally sp eaking. And now I can firmly declare that I am a lot more American than I am Taiwanese, at least according to myself.I am also a fluent speaker and writer and avid reader in Mandarin Chinese.  ??????????????… ???????????,??????????!Are you an introvert or an extrovert?I like to consider myself a pretty healthy hybrid of the two, and even my Myers Briggs personality test agrees. I enjoy crowds, and don’t mind being the center of attention; but I have days when I just want to be quite and alone, and find comfort in activities such as reading and watching movies. In other words, I am a normal human being… ha.Who has been your life’s biggest inspiration?I find inspiration in books, podcasts, sometimes even encyclopedia. I think this came from the habit my Mom instilled in me since my childhood to always be curious about things,  have an open but critical mind about what I learn. I have read many books that I would consider inspirational but if I could only name one, it would b e Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind  by V. S. Ramachandran. This book inspired me to pick Psychology as one of my majors in college which later on lead to a career in marketing. The most amazing part is during my time at University of California, San Diego, where I received my bachelor degrees, I was fortunate enough to take a class one quarter lectured by Dr. Ramachandran himself. I have to admit I did not know UCSD was where he was teaching at that time.. so imagine my surprise!What are you most afraid of?Public speaking and modeling in front of a camera.The ironic thing is that these are two things that I get to do quite often in my life now, and have managed to grown an inkling of passion toward both… I consider myself very lucky.What, if anything, prevents you from pursuing your wildest dreams?I can’t say I am the type to have the wildest of dreams. But if I did, I think I would stand in the way of myself and those dreams… Hmm somehow these s cenarios could be one of the same. I do realize that. Ha.How would your best friend describe you?Loud, fun-loving,  full of emotions and passions, has too many ideas that I can afford to explore… emotional. Oh I said that already.NEXT â€" MY NOMINATIONS!!Brittney @ Beauty v. Brain This is beauty/fashion meets major brain. Brittney is a Harvard Law student and offers her very unique and sharp-witted opinion about various trends in fashion, or just things in general.Morgan @ Between The Racks Morgan and I met over the app Poshmark, and have become mutual fans of each other’s blog. Morgan is a high fashion thrift hunter, and you read it right.. this exists. She is all about designer items at super affordable (most of the time ridiculously affordable) prices. Head on over if you want to learn more about Poshmark too, she has written a ton about it.Valentina @ Pear of Heels Valentina and I also met over Poshmark. I found her closet and immediately began ogling over her super envy wor thy closet filled with designer stuff. She is young but has a very developed taste of what looks good. Her outfits are always on point and her heels are always high.. I’ll leave it at that.Rachel @  Weenie’s Guide to Cool Rachel is my little cousin who is no longer little. She blogs about her journey to become truly COOL in a totally sarcastic but not sarcastic  kind of way. She is very good at documenting all the little voices that we all deal with when we struggle to grow and become better versions of ourselves. The struggle is real, as they say.

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