Saturday, March 14, 2020

nine-to-five grind until you noticed something

Youve been able to handle the nine-to-five grind until you notlageiced something. You seemed unsatisfied with your current standing. You wondered about a different scenery. You were tempted to follow your heart (and leap into the unknown). If your life were a Hollywood film, then you wouldnt have second thoughts about ti. You would be guaranteed of a happy ending (after crying a river). But real life could be more complicated than that. And stretching your resources wouldnt be a pretty sight. There would be an alternative scenario.You might be looking for your employment heaven, and you havent made it there. How would you know? Here are five stepsFirst step. You must figure out what matters to you at the moment. You might be getting impatient with your career goals, and you would be thinking of swift action. You might be wishing for more, which you would regret later. Your colleagues may be impressed at your became good in what you were doing after a year (or two), and survival would follow. On the other hand, you have been working diligently. You become invisible (or almost). It might be high time to get noticed, and you might consider volunteering for a task. Keep in mind that this would give your superiors fewer things to do. Moreover, volunteering for doing things and doing things are not the same. Think about these things thoroughly before you make your next move.Second step. Theres no substitute for expert advice. It can be your family and friends, even your former colleagues. How about the current workplace? You might not have found the right person whom you can confide your thoughts and feelings about the office. Youre stepping into a familiar terrain, where you might turn into a topic of conversation among your workmates. Take your time and get to know them. Otherwise, your family and friends may be good enough.Third step. You need a break. Its time to look for a distraction. Do you have a hobby? Find one. Youll get a chance to meet new people who shar e your interests. Different circles (of friends or acquaintances) will keep you from getting burned out at the office. Its not that you cant count on your colleagues, but different people would have different responses to such a situation. You almost forgot something You might need a holiday. How about forgetting the workplace for a while? Sightseeing never fails on this one.Fourth step. You have to lean to survive the workplace, and you wont feel that youre working once you master it. There are four things to follow on this one. Never mix drinking and working. Dont upset anyone in the office. You must learn to work without the watchful eyes of your boss. And ignore your inbox during working hours. It will distract you regardless of the content. Urgent will be much better.Fifth step. You must be grateful that you have a job. However, you must think it over if you really want a change.

Monday, March 9, 2020

6 Career Mistakes I Made in My 20s That You Should Avoid Like the Plague

6 Career Mistakes I Made in My 20s That You Should Avoid Like the Plague The 20s are one of the hardest times in your life. I remember feeling like I welches in the middle of an ongoing emotional battlefield. The self-doubt, insecurities, and frustration were extremely overwhelming. When it came to my career, there were several mistakes I made. Amongst the worst welches acting reactively instead of proactively. But sadly, that was only one of the 6 career mistakes I made. Lets discuss my mistakes, so you dont have to follow my path.Mistake 1 acting reactively versus proactively.Tony Robbins said life is bedrngnis happening to you, its happening for you. If you view your life from the passengers seat, you will never feel like you are in control. How can this ever be a good thing? Everything happening in your life is notlage only purposeful, but you have a direct hand in it. Are there factors that are outside of your control? Of course. But you should never act as if you are a victim i n your own life. When I was in my 20s, I should have spent more time focusing on my thoughts, my feelings, and my actions instead of external factors outside of my control. If you focus on what you control, then you can truly take your career by the reigns. Mistake 2 lacking mindset.Does this sound familiar? I am graduating from law school, the economy sucks, I am submitting my resume everywhere, and no one is calling. Your self-confidence is shot, you lose hope, and you slow down your search or settle for whatever job first comes your way. Sadly, this narrative applied to millions of people. Do you know what would have made my job hunt in my 20s so much better? If I stopped seeking a job from a sense of desperation, and instead approached my career from a place of gratitude and fulfillment. Getting a job was going to be a cool new plus-rechnen to my already complete life. I was not getting a job to complete my life. I now realize that this mindset played a big role in making me fee l less confident with the decisions I was making. The feeling of lack kept me in an ongoing cycle of applying for jobs I wasnt passionate about, hearing no responses or rejections, and applying for more jobs. This was a brutal cycle. If you are going through something similar, I want you know to there is a shining light at the end of the tunnel. You need to remember the followingYou are remarkable (job or no job).There is more than one job available for you (the world has endless opportunities).Applying for jobs without a strategy and purpose will yield an undesirable outcome (over and over again).Submitting your resume is not the only way to get a job. Mistake 3 networking without a strategy.I have always been quite a social person. Connecting and networking was something that I loved at an early age (my parents made sure about that). However, networking without purpose or strategy becomes ineffective networking. Going to events and using resources like How often will I network (i. e. daily, weekly, monthly)? What platforms will I use to network? Am I making a great impact in person and online?Am I doing more than exchanging business cards? Am I thinking outside of the box when I am networking? When networking, am I only interested in taking or am I offering something to the people I speak with? After answering behauptung questions, you can create your daily, weekly, and monthly networking goals and move forward with building quality relationships with people online and in-person.Mistake 4 caring what others thought.According to Lao Tzu, care about peoples approval, and you will always be their prisoner. Does it make sense to live your life in accordance with another persons ideas, or your own? In your 20s, it is very easy to be caught up with wanting to be accepted and wanting to please others. However, this is not a road that leads to personal happiness and joy. When I went to law school, I was open to having a career as a practicing attorney or a non-tradit ional attorney. Was I concerned what my family and friends thought about me being a non-traditional attorney? Absolutely. This was a major mistake. When looking for a job, I should have aggressively pursued opportunities that I wanted, regardless of what other people thought or said about the matter. Your career is your journey, which you are not required to explain to others. When you are in your 20s and you are determining the job you want, you should ask yourself the following questionsWhat makes me happy?What do I like to do?What are the job titles that accompany my interests?Where would I like to work?How have I leveraged my online and in-person network for my job hunt?What are the companies I am interested in working with?What are the work cultures of these companies? What are the benefits that I want and/or need? Mistake 5 holding onto fear.Fear is such a brutal feeling, especially in your 20s. When looking for a job, so many people are scared of rejections, workplace confli cts, or negotiation questions, amongst so many other worries that run through our heads. Do you know what never helps the situation? Fear. This feeling only escalates the situation to feel like a crisis in your mind. If I could go back and advise myself in my 20s, I would have saidEverything is going to be okay.Be grateful for the good and badeanstalt in your life.There is no such thing as failure (everything is a teachable lesson).Fear is a pointless waste of time (time is too important to waste).Focus on what you want, not what you dont want to happen .Dont hold back live boldly and unapologetically without regret.Mistake 6 not prioritizing my health.We spend so much time working and figuring out this game we call life. Amongst everything you do, you cannot forget your health. If you are not well, then you cant live the life you want or pursue the career you want. Moving your body, eating well and getting enough sleep is not something to just say or use in a hashtag. You must be mindful of the quality of your life. This is how you can ensure that you have the energy for the career and life you want and deserve. --Natasha Nurse started Dressing Room 8 to provide a web-based resource where women can gain personal and professional empowerment through her fashion and lifestyle focused blog. She is the Lifestyle Editor for positiv Model Magazine, a Program Coordinator for Long Island Girl Talk, and she co-hosts a podcast with her husband called WokeNFree. Follow Natasha on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube, and Google Plus.